Mar 28Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

I experience this exact same problem, Tansie, in my efforts to constantly make life interesting. During our trip to the UK last summer, we drove all around England, Wales and Scotland, strapping the kids into the car for long journeys every few days, and expecting them to be excited about each new destination. After breakfast one day we told them we were heading out to the London Zoo, and they both burst into tears... It was all just too much! They just wanted to stay home and play quietly! There really can be too much of a good thing, for our little ones and for us grown-ups. I love the idea of filling our days with as little as possible, and enjoying the season of less. Beautiful. 💕

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Apr 2Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

Oh I love these seasons notes! I just read this one and then the first one, such a beautiful way to honour each discovery and shift within your children and yourself, especially because it all moves so fast and yet each is so significant. Just beautiful ❤️

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Mar 30Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

What a lovely post 😊 Thank you Tansie for sharing so openly and honestly ❤️

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Mar 29Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

My son loves to do a lot and I do not...which presents a different sort of issue. This leads to me often having to step outside my comfort zone and remember things flow best for him when we get out of the house and go do things together...while I could stay home every day content except that makes things tense between my son and I. Thank you for this lovely post and the reminder to listen to what our kids needs. Because similar to with your son, my son is mirroring something in me I need, to step outside of what feels super comfortable.

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Mar 28Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

Great post 😊I just gave birth to my second son so following your posts eagerly for life-with-two-boys tips! They are already completely different. I too think I am coping when life is very full but my body tells me otherwise. My eldest is far more social than me but also has far more meltdowns when he is overtired. I try to juggle his social needs over my own and where we can meet in the middle, the sweet spot. The baby has added a whole new dimension. Anyway, really enjoying your honest writing and find it inspiring and comforting. Thank you! x

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