Mar 6Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

My eldest has just learned to ride a bike without training wheels as well! All of the sudden we find ourselves having to set rules and boundaries of not riding on the street and navigate playing with the “older” kids who may or may not have a bad influence. It really does come up on you so fast!

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How amazing is it watching them be so proud of themselves! Yes, it comes so fast. The extra level now of needing to let go and trust is scary but it's life isn't it.

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Mar 6Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

Equal parts excitement and fear—yes, that’s exactly it. My own little one just discovered his ability to climb into the pasture where dwell our fiesty teenage heifer and some not-so-gentle sheep. He bolts for the fence every chance he gets. Not quite a kid, but definitely trying to get there as fast as possible.

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Ooohh the climbing stage! so many heart lurches but so exciting watching them master new skills and explore their world. Good luck keeping up with him!

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I read this with a huge lump in my throat, Tansie. Just beautiful. One way or another, our children are always whispering, "Let go..."

Every morning, after I've written my morning pages, I go back and read the corresponding date from the previous year. Yesterday, after I'd written about my boys having started insisting on walking to the bus stop without us in the mornings, I read that on the same day last year they finally confronted us with the question of whether me and Mike are in fact Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny... Step by delightful, devastating step, our kids move away from us, and walk (or cycle!) towards their own independent futures.

Thank you for reflecting on it all so beautifully. 💕

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Mar 6Liked by Tansie Bennetts-Slater

What a beautiful practice you have with your morning pages, Michelle!

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I absolutely adore that you look back on your corresponding date! What a beautiful and powerful idea! Your message actually made me teary! 💛

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Oh this one hit me in the heart

And you’re right, even if we want some seasons to last longer, time keeps going and the kids will keep growing 🥲

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